Cecelia Dunlap Grand Chapter has had a long history of providing solid instruction to its membership.  Grand Worthy Matrons and District Deputy Grand Matrons have always encouraged their chapters and districts to have instruction.  Currently Chapters and Districts conduct “Schools of Instructions,” throughout the year. During the administration of PGWM, Vanda Langham was established the “Higher School of Learning.”  This instruction occurred each year on the second Saturday of November at the Grand East in Louisville, Kentucky.  Various members from across the jurisdiction were asked to provide instruction to the membership.   It was well received by all.  In 2007, under the administration of PGWM, Pamela H. Thompson, Grand Lecturer, Sis. Felecia J. Ballard asked to plan an OES Workshops in a central location for the Jurisdiction of Kentucky. Sis. Ballard was granted permission plan a workshop. Present and Past Grand Officers were asked to serve as workshop facilitators.  The OES Workshop was held Saturday, December 7, 2007 at the Grand East in Louisville, Kentucky.  Grand Master, Hugh R. Harlan, Jr., was in attendance and supportive of this effort.  The OES Workshop has continued under the current administration of GWM, Betty J. Bell.  Grand Lecturer, Brenda A. Murphy and Grand Lecturer, Mark Maxwell were given a charge from Grand Master, Hugh R. Harlan, Jr., to plan simultaneous workshops for both members of the Cecelia Dunlap Grand Chapter and Prince Hall Grand Lodge. On December 6, 2009 the 3rd OES Workshop, was held at the Grand East, Louisville with both Grand Bodies in attendance.


The Lord has truly blessed our Grand Chapter since our beginning in 1895.  We are thankful to the History Committee of 1978, who complied our history from 1895-1978.  We are eternally grateful to Sis. Dorothy White Miller, Grand Historian and PDDGM of the Eastern District, who compiled our history from 1895-2004.  Sis. Miller was called from labor reward on April 29, 2010.  She was a bright, shining star.


We have come this far by “Faith.”  We are leaning and depending on Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of our faith.