History Holy Royal Arch

Holy Royal Arch Masons of Kentucky

Prince Hall Affiliated


 Organization of Most Excellent Grand Chapter Royal Arch Masons

Pursuant to a call previously issued, a convention of Royal Arch Masons assembled in the city of Louisville, State of Kentucky, on Wednesday, October 29, A. D.  1879, A-Inv. 2409 for the purpose of establishing a Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the State of Kentucky. Companion Austin Hubbard called the convention to order, and Companion Horace Morris read “call” for the same. On motion, Companions Austin Hubbard was elected temporary chairman, Horace Morris, temporary Secretary and E. W. S. Hammond, temporary Chaplain. The session was opened with prayer by the chaplain, who invoked the blessings if the Divine Master upon the deliberations of the convention.

On motion, Companion Chas. H. Allen, Wm. B. James and Wm. Logan were appointed a committee on Credentials, who reported the following list of delegates present: Companions Chas. H. Allen, High Priest; E. W. S. Hammond, King; Jesse Merriwether (proxy Scribe) for Mt. Carmel Royal Arch Chapter No. 14, Lexington, Kentucky; Companions Wm. Logan, High Priest; George W. Dupee, King; George Sutton, (proxy Scribe) or Most Hon. Royal Arch Chapter No. 13, Paducah, Kentucky; Companions Austin Hubbard, High Priest; Horace Morris, King; Wm. B. James, Scribe for Mt. Horeb Royal Arch Chapter No. 6, Louisville, Kentucky.

On motion, a committee, E. W. S. Hammond, George Dupee, and Wm. B. James (one from each chapter represented) was appointed on Permanent Organization, who reported for President, Austin Hubbard, Horace Morris, Secretary, and E. W. S. Hammond, Chaplain. On motion of Horace Morris, all Past High Priests, Kings and Scribes be considered as members of this convention.

Present Companions; John C. N. Fowles, District Deputy Grand high Priest of Missouri; George Taylor and Napoleon, Enterprise Chapter U. D., Louisville, Kentucky; Washington Lewis, Mt. Horeb Chapter No. 6. The following resolution was offered by Companions Dupee and Fowles resolved that we now proceed to the organization of a Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the State of Kentucky.

On motion, a committee of three camps, Horace Morris, E. W. S. Hammond and George W. Dupee was appointed to draft a preamble and resolutions expressive of the object and sentiments of this convention, who reported as follows: Whereas, feeling the great necessity of a closer and more perfect union of Royal Arch Masons for the State of Kentucky, and believing that the establishment of a Grand Chapter will better accomplish the object desired. Therefore, Resolved, that the delegates and representatives of the Royal Arch Chapters, Mt. Horeb No. 6, Mt. Horeb No. 13, and Mt. Carmel No. 14, in convention assembled do hereby declare ourselves free and independent to form and constitute a Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the State of Kentucky, and as such shall have the power to grant warrants, or withhold them and to do all and everything that Grand Chapters may of right do for the advancement and betterment of the Holy Royal Arch Craft. Resolved, that the subordinate chapters of Royal Arch Masons in the State of Kentucky: Mt. Horeb No. 6, Mt. Horeb No. 13 and Mt. Carmel No. 14, working under charters granted by the Most Eminent  Grand Chapter for  the State of Missouri, do this day dissolve our connection with said Grand Chapter. Resolved, that the said subordinate chapter return their warrants of constitution, and all dues to said Grand Chapter for the State of Missouri to date and that we hereby notify the Most Eminent Grand Priest of said Grand Chapter of such returns.

The preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted. Companion E.W. S. Hammond offered the following: Resolved, that, the President appoint a committee of three to nominate a candidate for the office of Grand High Priest. The chair appointed Companions Hammond, Dupee, and James to said committee. A communication was read from Clark Chapter, Louisville, Kentucky, to take part inn the convention. The following was offered by Companions Morris and Fowles: Resolved, that each chapter represented in this convention be taxed the sum of ($10.00) ten dollars to pay the expenses of the same. The committee on nominations reported for Most Eminent Grand High Priest John E. N. Fowles. The ballot was spread, and John C. N. Fowles was declared duly elected Most Eminent Grand High Priest for the State of Kentucky.

Mt. Carmel Royal Arch Chapter No. 14 paid $10.00; Mt. Horeb Royal Arch Chapter No. 13 paid $10.00; and Mt. Horeb Royal Arch Chapter No. 6 paid $10.00, a total of $30.00. There being no further business, the convention on motion, adjourned “sine die”.

Austin Hubbard, President

Attest: Horace Morris, Secretary

In Masonic Hall, corner of Seventh and Grayson Streets, Louisville, Kentucky, Wednesday, October 29, A.D. 1879, A.I. 2409, the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for the State of Kentucky was opened in ample form with the following Excellent Companions elect in their stations: Companion J. C. N. Fowles, Most Eminent Grand High Priest; Companion Jesse Merriwether, Deputy Grand High Priest; Companion Charles H. Allen, Grand King; Companion William Logan, Grand Scribe; Companion Austin Hubbard, Grand Treasurer and Companion E. W. S. Hammond, Grand Secretary.

The Most Excellent Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of Kentucky and its jurisdiction assembled in the city of Louisville, Kentucky, Monday, June 20, 1881. Companion John C.N. Fowles, Most Excellent Grand High Priest made his annual report in these brief impressive words:

“Companions: Once more by the indulgence of the Supreme Grand High Priest of the universe, we are permitted to assemble around our altar in our first annual communication for the transaction of such business as the Royal Craft may require in this jurisdiction, which we hope will be done with brotherly love and dispatch. The reports having been completed, indicated harmony throughout the jurisdiction with increased Chapters and bright prospects for the future of Capitular Masonry.” He said in conclusion: “Now, Companions, as my term of office as Grand High Priest is about to expire, allow me to return this gavel, and with it grateful thanks for the distinguished honor that has been conferred upon me. If I have erred, it was of the head and not the heart. May harmony characterize all your proceedings.”

Respectfully submitted,

John C. N. Fowles, Most Eminent Grand High Priest


Prominent Royal Arch Mason in the Grand Chapter: John C. N. Fowles, Chas. H. Allen, Thomas H. Kelly, Jas. W. Ellis, Wm. Watts, Horace Morris, W. H. Bullitt, Albert Johnson, James Steward, Jesse Merriwether, E. Gray, Thomas W. Smiley, Washington Lewis, E. W. S. Hammond, Wm. Logan, George Dupee, George Sutton, Austin Hubbard, Wm. B. James, George Taylor, Napoleon Bonaparte, Wm. H. Gibson, Sr., Wm. H. Steward, H. P. Gaines, Wm. Morton, Henry King, S. P. Young, S. D. Martin, Wm. H. Perry, Sr., Adam Smoot, W. M. Hawkins, Jos. M. Ferguson, and Robert Fox.

Annual Returns Mt. Horeb Chapter No. 1

Louisville, Kentucky — October 1883

Companion W. H. Bullitt, Most Eminent High Priest

Companion George W. Evans, King

Companion Henry Clay, Scribe

Companion George Sutton, Captain of Host

Companion Wm. Russell, Royal Arch Captain

Companion Horace Morris, Principle Sojourner

Companion J. C. N. Fowles, Treasurer

Companion George A. Schaefer, Secretary


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